Maintaining a blog seems to be the common thing for moms to do these days. It's proven to be pretty entertaining for me. Since I have 6-12 hours a day with Doc attached to my front side, sharing pictures of him in a blog format has become the thing I do to pass the time.
Besides writing my own posts, I like to look at other peoples' photos. This makes me feel a little creepy since I don't know most of the people I read about and I don't ever leave comments (this is technically called 'lurking'). The blogs I enjoy (listed in the column on the right) consist of a flower shop, what started as wedding inspiration, cousin Emily's photos and stories, recipes from what G calls the smitten kitten, and some design stuff. The other pages on the list consist mostly of stylish European babies in sweaters laying next to their Sophie giraffes. I may be a little creepy, but I think I really just want my own backyard, trips to the beach, and access to baby clothes without "Little Cutie" embroidered on the front. I'm kind of living in my dreams via others' photos. So for now I'll share my real life here at 'Greg and Meagan dot blogspot dot com' and I'll continue to laugh every time I say blogspot.
There's Sophie in the background.
I love you meagan. Thanks for the blogspot shoutout. I think your lurking is quite normal. It's a favorite pastime of mine. Well, it used to be when Reagan was a little bit younger and enjoyed "quiet time" (aka mama spends too much time online) a little more than she does now. Now its go go go all the time, but you've inspired me to try and be a little better at updating the old snoop bloggy blog, now that I know I have a "follower". I have had fun lurking on yours. I love Murdoch. He really is such a handsome little man. You have such great taste. I have to stop by and see your place sometime. Now I must get back to purging all of my "little cutie" shirts! =)