I think Doc is teething right now. He drools like crazy, gnaws on everything and now has a runny nose, cough, and keeps pulling on his ears. Thanks Emily and baby Ember for telling us about Baby Mum Mums. Doc can get a cracker down in just a few minutes. They say that they are good practice for babies learning how to eat solids. He was almost there last time we tried. He swirls the cereal around in his mouth but ends up pushing it out with his tongue. Now he leans forward and opens his mouth like he's ready for it, though.
I've been thinking about how every generation of people talks about how kids grow up so much faster than they did; Doc already likes to play with the computer. He'll watch me work, opening and closing screens and typing, then he'll lean forward and touch the pad and keys intrigued by the things he makes happen on screen. He'll understand html by the time he's five. It's so much fun to go out with him. He used to just watch and observe everything that was going on around him, but now he responds. You can see which new things he's learning and he tells you when he wants to look at something closer.
Doc is wearing some of his 18-24 month clothes now (which I thought would last through the winter). His thighs are really bulking up now but the extra chubs don't hinder his movement. I'm sure he'll be crawling by Christmas. He's always on the move now. I have to put on a variety show every time I change his clothes. He's pretty into The Boys in the Bright White Sports Car especially if I shake my hair around (I get more animated than anyone else has probably seen). It seems that when you have kids, you lose all your pride and will do just about anything to keep them entertained. Thanks Maddy for teaching me a few tricks.
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