He is quite the chow hound when given foods he enjoys. Lately he's been eating cheesy eggs, grapefruit, large curd cottage cheese, and any kind of yogurt (he really likes Fage). Most baby food he completely rejects unless bribed with baby cheetos. He will still eat the tart fruits, like mango and apricot, mixed with cereal once I sneak in the first bite and he realizes that he likes it.
Everyday there are so many changes. You can see him learning; pondering new things, debating new actions. He understands so much now. You can speak an entire string of words to him and see that he is thinking about how to respond. He's growing so fast. I always try to take full advantage of the baby he is right now because I know it won't last much longer.
Got the birth announcement in the mail the other day. Thanks. Can't believe duder climbed up all those stairs! Miss all y'all.